Thursday, August 05, 2004


A boy stood by the roadside, looking as lost as a sheep,
Day and night he was there, awake or asleep.
The dust from the road drifted in the air,
Now the boy stood dirty, but still without a care.

Rain or shine, in sickness or in health this boy would endure,
Not the elements nor diseases could make him insecure.
And all the while he stood with only one phrase on his lips,
"My daddy will come, my daddy will come! To take me on a trip!"

The passerbys out of kindness asked the boy to move on,
But for years the boy just sat there till he was seventy-one.
And all the while he endured, the mocking of people and of his heart,
Saying, "My daddy will come, My daddy will come, to come and pick me up!"

Till one day, this boy's health, could stand Father Time no more,
That day he finally lay down and closed his eyes upon the floor.
But as he closed his eyes, this words were all he said,
"My daddy has come, my daddy has come, to take my soul away..."

Oh Lord, when my heart in pain, cries out to want no more,
And I feel like giving up and not going on anymore.
Just let me trust and have strong faith in you,
To cling to your promises, for they are surely true.

For even if on this earth no blessing comes along,
And my heart grows burdened, and my faith no longer strong.
There is one single promise, that I cling to with my all,
That is heaven's waiting, and to there one day will I soar...

Lord, Paul said, only three thing matter, faith, hope and love...
And now I pray that thou shalt give me faith in abundance. Let me keep in mind the three names you revealed to Abraham, the father of faith, that I too may have faith in you...

Lord, I have preached and taught so many times about faith. It is second in line to my want for prayer. But yet Lord, I may say, but let it be so in me. May I be a man of faith, that would give his life for you...

"A Man with 100% faith in God, will gamble 100% on him" - Anonymous

Lord, to gamble 100% on you is to surrender. Help me surrender. Give me the faith to surrender. May I keep all that I have preached and taught close to my heart. That no matter how my heart squeal in pain, I shall still trust you as my only Lord and King... I love you...


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